How to Get Recognition For Your Products

How to Get Recognition For Your Products – Doug Pitassi

What is the best way to get recognition for your products? Listed below are some tips for awarding your products. Remember, the best awards are the ones consumers trust the most. But to get some of the best awards, you have to pay a high fee and meet strict requirements. In some industries, you may even have to get these awards. To do that, you must have an award winning strategy and goals in mind.


In this database, we identify awards and recognize recipients. This includes both past winners and winners right now. A list of recipients is available at the end of this article. Listed below are some of the most notable awards. According to Doug Pitassi, the AAN has many resources to help people interested in neurology find the awards that are right for them.

The Transfusion Medicine Leadership Award honors the work of a leading transfusion physician who has made contributions to the field of transfusion medicine and cellular therapies. The National Blood Foundation Scientific Grants Review Committee decides who gets the award. The NBF Board of Trustees picks who gets the money. There are numerous other awards available, but these are only the most notable. All recipients have devoted decades to their field. The award will honor a lifelong commitment to the profession and the patient’s health.

Judging process

The Judging process for awards includes a number of factors. For example, judging criteria may require the submission of a case study or a detailed evaluation of the website’s effectiveness. Nominations should explain how the project improved the user experience, if applicable, or how the work surpassed the objectives of the original brief.

The Judging process for awards is complex but is not as difficult as it sounds. They are then eligible to receive books in their categories. After completing their training, judges will begin to judge.

Doug Pitassi – Media attention

One way to increase media attention for your awards is to send a press release to award coordinators. This simple press release will give a reporter the basic information that he or she needs to know about your news. It also tells them how to get in touch with you. Tie your award announcement to something that is happening right now or that is in the news to get even more attention. To find local media, look for community-based newspapers and industry publications. Influential bloggers and podcasters may also be interested in your award win.

The Investigative Journalism category recognizes an individual story, series, or package that advances the public interest. To qualify for this award, your entry must be a single piece or a package of articles that focus on a current event or an issue of public interest. You may submit up to five examples for each of the categories, depending on the nature of the work.


A project’s budget is the amount of money that has been set aside for it. Most of the time, this amount is split up into different groups, such as direct costs, indirect costs, overhead, and projects. Most of the time, budgets for awards are split into different projects and tasks that are the responsibility of each department. Often, these categories are not clear, which can delay award activation or cost posting. The RSA can help departments understand appropriate allocations of budgets for specific projects. Depending on the sponsor of the award, budgets may not have any non-direct cost category headings.

An action memo will tell the sponsors about the change.