Sponsored Posts

Doug Pitassi

If you are thinking about publishing a sponsored post on your blog, there are several steps you must take to ensure that the content is not a conflict of interest. These steps include promoting the sponsored posts, disclosing them, and finding sponsors. You should also create a page specifically for sponsored posts so that readers can find more information about these types of posts.


When you’re trying to build an engaged audience, promoted posts can be an excellent tool. These paid posts give your organic content a boost and can also be used to direct your audience to take action. For example, if you want your audience to buy a product, you can useĀ  to drive traffic to a landing page. But you’ll need to know your audience first. Then, you can partner with content creators whose audience is similar to yours.

Sponsored posts are an effective way to boost your brand’s visibility and public image, but you must be careful to choose the right influencers to work with. While some influencers offer a free service, others charge a fee based on their engagement level and audience size. A high-engagement influencer may charge as much as $50 for a sponsored post. However, you must be sure to comply with all laws and regulations.

Disclose sponsored posts

It’s important to disclose sponsored posts on your blog. The FTC has published guidelines for doing so. You can also read their FAQ. Bloggers who receive products or services for free must disclose this in their posts and footer. This rule is similar to Google’s guidelines for follow links.

It’s important to disclose sponsored posts so that readers know they’re not editorial content. This way, readers won’t confuse editorial content, which could alienate them. It’s important to be transparent about sponsored posts so that your audience will trust you and your content. Brett began building websites in 2014, learning about digital marketing in college. After college, he built a diverse portfolio of websites while working full-time.

The FTC is cracking down on deceptive advertising and is putting influencers on notice that they must disclose. The FTC’s guidelines outline the requirements for influencers, including the placement of hashtags like #ad at the beginning and end of sponsored posts.

Find sponsors

One of the first steps in earning money from sponsored posts is to identify which brands are right for your blog. To start, look for companies with contact links on their websites and try to reach out to them. Once you have established a relationship with a company, you can pitch a sponsored post idea to them.

There are many ways to find sponsors. It may be easier for you to find brands if you’re targeting a niche that’s relatively small. For example, if your blog is about cooking, you can approach restaurants or grocery stores to see if they’re interested in sponsoring your blog posts. You can also look for brands that advertise on other people’s blogs, which you can pitch to your potential sponsors.

Create a sponsored posts page

It’s important to create a landing page, which will let brands contact you easily. This page should include information about the program, fees, and payment terms. It should also state how long your posts will be live. Most sponsors will keep posts live for about a year.

Sponsored posts are a new form of advertising where companies pay other websites to publish their content. They are effective because they allow brands to reach a new audience and create buzz about their products and services. However, it’s important to choose the right kind of content. It’s better to focus on informative, helpful articles rather than advertisements that use “buy” language.

Sponsored posts may not be the best fit for every blog, but if you have a popular blog or audience, you might have more success with them. The key to success is being honest, respectful, and responsive. Be sure to make the client feel comfortable with your work and stick to deadlines.

Run sponsored posts alongside Facebook ads

Facebook posts are an easy and inexpensive way to reach a wider audience and generate more engagement. Unlike traditional Facebook ads, only run for a set period, ranging from one to seven days. If you are targeting audiences in the lower funnel, sponsored posts can be an effective alternative to traditional Facebook ads. Additionally, your boosted posts will remain on the audience’s feed and increase social proof for your brand.

Facebook ads can work together to boost an awareness campaign. Since posts show up underneath the company name, it is easy to identify them as sponsored content. They can also be used to create a retargeting campaign, which is a great way to reach warm audiences who have not yet converted but have shown interest in your brand.